Connecticut Audbon Society

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Beyond Birding 2.0 Weekly Descriptions

Week 1: Fall Migration
Every fall, dozens of species pass through Connecticut on their way to wintering ground in central and south America, from breeding ground further north. This is one of the best times of year to spot uncommon and elusive birds in the state, and one of the most difficult times to identify them.

In this lesson you will learn:
                – Characteristics of fall migration
                – Species passing through CT
                – Quick ID tips and tricks

Week 2: Warblers
Warblers are among birders favorite groups of birds. These charismatic migrants are often easy to identify in spring in their bright breeding plumage but are much more difficult come fall. These tiny birds also undertake some incredible migrations, often spanning the entire North American continent.

In this lesson you will learn:
                – How, when, and where warblers migrate in the fall
                – Species passing through
                – How to identify fall warblers

Week 3: Swallows
These aerial acrobats are some of our most distinctive fliers. Since they are always moving though, it often makes identifying between species difficult. During the fall, swallows put on some of the most spectacular displays in the bird world, which can be seen right here in Connecticut.

In this lesson you will learn:
                – How, when, and where swallows migrate in the fall
                – Species passing through
                – How to identify swallow species

Week 4: Raptors
Some of the most popular birds among birders and non-birders alike are our birds of prey. Without knowing different species, it is tempting to label every bird of prey seen soaring overhead as a Red-tailed Hawk. During the fall, many raptors migrate south to winter in central and South America. If you know what to look for, you will pick up numerous species passing through Connecticut.

In this lesson you will learn:
                – How, when, and where raptors migrate in the fall
                – Species passing through
                – How to identify raptors

Week 5: Sparrows
One of the groups of birds that give birders a headache to identify, sparrows all seem to look and act alike. But with careful observation and knowing key field marks and habits, these birds are not as difficult to tell apart. Fall in Connecticut is the best time of year to see numerous sparrow species, and once you know what to look for, you will have an easier time finding them all.

In this lesson you will learn:
                – How, when, and where sparrows migrate in the fall
                – Species passing through
                – How to identify confusing sparrow species

Week 6: Getting Ready for Winter
With winter only a few weeks away, birds will soon face one of the most difficult times of year for survival, and there are lots of ways we can help. We have many species of birds that stick around for winter in Connecticut, and some that head down from further north to “warmer” temperatures.

In this lesson you will learn:
                – Adaptations birds have for surviving winter
                – Species that can be found in CT in winter
                – How to help birds in winter






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