Connecticut Audbon Society

The Dave Engelman Volunteer Benchmark Award

The Connecticut Audubon Society’s Volunteer Benchmark Award was established in 1993, and is given annually by our Board of Directors to one or more people whose volunteer activity has significantly enhanced our mission.  Each year, at our Annual Meeting, recipients are presented with a  plaque commemorating their dedication to conservation.

In 2007, the award was renamed the Dave Engelman Volunteer Benchmark Award.  Dave Engelman was a member of the Board of Directors, who lost a courageous battle with cancer on March 9, 2007.  He epitomized the characteristics of an extraordinary volunteer by helping Connecticut Audubon  grow both in spirit and as an organization.  He was a longtime member, donor, Board member, and for a time interim president managing day-to-day operations.  He truly made a lasting impression on all of us at Connecticut Audubon.

Recipients of the Dave Engelman Volunteer Benchmark Award 
1993:Paul van der Stricht
 Robert Braun
 Uli Hellman
1994:Gloria Barnes
1995:John Tierney
1996:W. Bradley Morehouse
1997:Ann G. Wasmer
 Fred Sibley
1998:Katherine DeWitt
 Richard King
1999:Wright Montgomery
2000:Hugh Smith
2001:Marilyn Duda (Connecticut Audubon Society staff)
2002:Leslie Carothers
2003:Karla Strickland
2004:Dave Engelman
2005:George C. Cartwright
2006:Mrs. Lucie Warren
 Milan Bull (Connecticut Audubon Society staff)
2007:Peter and Carleen Kunkel
 Duffy Schade
2008:Lorne Wilson
 Judy Harper (Connecticut Audubon  Society staff)
2009:Wendell & Alison Davis
 Judith F. Richardson
 Carl Trichka
2010:Benjamin Williams
2011Ross and Barbara Strickland
2012Fred Schroeder
 Carrie Shelton
2013Philip W. Stein
 James G. Denham

Phil Donahue


Toshia Barnett


Diana Atwood Johnson


Walter “Sandy” Sanstrom
Jerid O’Connell
Kathleen Hart
George Dewey
Lawrence J. Lunden

 2017Louise Crocco (Connecticut Audubon  Society staff)
Richard Telford
 Dan Miller
 D.G. Warner
2018Ralph Wood
 Charles Stebbins
 Karen Cowperthwaite
 Read about the 2018 winners here.
2019Charles N. Watson
 Karen Forbes
 Joyce Gillon
 Sandra Brown
 Read about the 2019 winners here.
2020Eleanor Perkins Robinson
 Michael Aurelia
 Frank Mantlik
 Tricia Gregory
 Read about the 2020 winners here.
2021Lori Romick
 Misty Beyer
 Jim Sherwonit
 Tyler Luciani
 Shawn Bay
 Read about the 2021 winners here.
2022Jeanne C. Olivier
 Read about the 2022 winner here.







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