Connecticut Audbon Society
Center at Pomfret

Center at Pomfret

News & Visitor Information at the Center at Pomfret

Walk Our Trails!


The Bafflin Sanctuary is open to the public from dawn to dusk.
To minimize wildlife disturbance, we ask all walkers to stay on designated trails.
Click here for a trail map.  Click here for trail rules.

Birds to look for in August


Monitoring Air Quality in Pomfret

A PurpleAir brand air quality monitor has been installed at the Center at Pomfret. The monitor allows us to track local air quality and add information to a community database, which can be used by weather tracking organizations, climate scientists, and the general public to learn more about the quality of the air around them. 

The monitor measures the concentration of fine particulate matter in the air, providing real-time data. Demonstrating the Connecticut Audubon Society’s ongoing commitment to environmental conservation, we are placing these monitors at all of our centers. Our goal is to raise awareness of and educate about the impacts of air pollution on both human health and the environment. 

Air quality is a critical component of environmental health. Poor air quality causes respiratory issues for people and wildlife. Birds are especially susceptible to poor air quality. Natural spaces, such as wildlife sanctuaries, provide a pollution buffer, improving the overall health of the area. The monitors will allow us to better understand local air pollution levels and how green spaces impact them. 

Real-time data from the monitor at the Center at Pomfret is shown in the box below. A publicly viewable map on the PurpleAir website displays real-time data from around the world. Knowing the air quality in an area will help people make informed decisions regarding their health and the environment.

We thank the CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection and PurpleAir for donating the monitors to our centers.  

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General Information

Photo by Aaron Bourque

Located in Connecticut’s “Quiet Corner,” the Center at Pomfret is surrounded by our 700-acre Bafflin Sanctuary. The Center is a community-based facility offering programming for all ages year round.

The Bafflin Sanctuary is actively managed for grassland, shrubland, and woodland birds, as well as other wildlife ,and is a nationally recognized Important Bird Area. Over 200 species of birds have been observed at Bafflin.

The sanctuary is open to the public daily from dawn to dusk for hiking and birding. Programs at the Center at Pomfret include bird walks, trail hikes, art exhibitions, photography workshops, seasonal workshops and lectures, environmental education programs, and citizen science training and projects. Also offered are after-school nature clubs, summer and school vacation camps (ages pre-K to high-school).

The Center manages Trail Wood in Hampton. Formerly the home of Pulitzer Prize-winning nature writer Edwin Way Teale, the 168-acre sanctuary now offers well-developed trails and programming for adults, families, and children. Visitors may view the small museum on the property as well as his writing cabin. Museum visits are by appointment only. The sanctuary is open year round from dawn to dusk for hiking and birding.

Download the Bafflin Sanctuary Rules

Download more information about our center and its green features.

For additional programming in our area consider Trail Wood,
our Edwin Way Teale Sanctuary in Hampton.




Bird Walks and Watches

The following programs require registration. Call 860-928-4948 or email  

Evening Bird Walk
Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 6 P.M.

Join Andy to look for newly fledged  birds and mixed groups of post-breeding birds.  Fee:  $10 CAS members; $20 non-members.

Plainfield Fish Hatchery Bird Walk
Thursday, August 29, 2024 at 8 A.M.

Located in Plainfield, the Quinebaug Valley State Fish Hatchery is one of the top birding spots in Windham County. Andy will show you around the grounds. Expect sandpipers and other shorebirds, early migrating songbirds, and raptors.   Fee:  $20 CAS members; $30 non-members.


Schedule School Field Trips and In-class Programs

Attention Teachers!
Science In Nature School Programs

Early- Mid May 2016 031_2Want to add a little excitement to your classroom? Consider one of our in-class science programs. We have one-hour programs for kindergarten through sixth grade. Sample titles include: Winter Tracks, Life Cycles, The Dirt on Soils, Adaptations, Birds and Beaks, Food Chains, Skins and Bones, CSI Aquatic, Winter Birds, and Rockin’ Out, to name a few. Also, consider our four-hour school field trips The Dirt on Soil, Bird Ecology, Scratching the Surface (Geology), Watersheds and Erosion, Native Americans, EcoNiches and Adaptations, and more! The calendar fills up quickly. For more info and scheduling call 860-928-4948 or email Sarah at

Center at Pomfret, P.O. Box 11, 218 Day Road, Pomfret Center, CT 06259  

Special Opportunities

Bird Surveys on Private or Public Property

Sanctuary Manager Andy Rzeznikiewicz is available to conduct bird population surveys and can provide habitat management recommendations for your property. Private property owners, Land Trusts, municipalities or other groups that want an inventory of what bird species are breeding or using their property might be interested in this service. Conservation groups that are evaluating potential land purchases for conservation might find this service helpful as well. The best time of year to conduct nesting bird surveys is May and June. Call for more information: 860-928-4948.

Group Programming

Are you a school, library or other organization serving the community? We’re glad to raise environmental awareness in all contexts! We can bring our wildlife video and bird slide show programs right to you. Call 860-928-4948 for more information on each program.

Private Guided Bird and Nature Walks

Throughout the year, Sanctuary Manager Andy Rzeznikiewicz can take you on a private bird and nature walk geared to your expectations and locations.  Andy can take you to your next life bird, local hot spots, or places he knows to find birds and wildlife for you.  Owl walks and private woodcock watches are very successful in small groups.  This is an excellent gift for that outdoor enthusiast who has everything. Call 860-928-4948 for more information.


From the intersection of Routes 101 and 169, take Route 169 north.

Take your first right onto Day Road. Follow for approximately one mile to stop sign.

Turn right continuing on Day Road. Center less than one quarter mile up on your right.

218 Day Road, Pomfret Center, CT 06259




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