Connecticut Audbon Society

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Piping Plovers need help to survive, and they’re getting it at Milford Point

July 18, 2024 — It’s starting to look like another outstanding season for the Piping Plovers that nest at Connecticut Audubon’s Milford Point Coastal Center. Thirteen pairs of Piping Plovers hatched babies at Milford Point, and 24 have fledged so far. A big part of the credit goes to the two coastal rangers, Matt Joyce and Johann Heupel.


Purple Martins, thriving at 5 Connecticut Audubon locations, continue to make a comeback from the threatened list

July 11, 2024 — Purple Martins are thriving this summer at 5 Connecticut Audubon locations — approximately 140 pairs are raising as many as 500 hatchlings. Most of the young birds are still in their nests, so it’s too soon to declare the season a total success. But as of now, it looks like these large swallows are continuing to make a comeback several years after their removal from the state’s threatened species list.


Congratulations to Jason Scavotto and Steven Jacqmin, winners of the 2024 Migration Magic Photo Contest

Almost 60 Connecticut birders submitted 170 noteworthy entries in the 2024 Migration Magic Birdathon Photo Contest. Outstanding among them are the two winning photos: a Baltimore Oriole confronting a Blue Jay, taken by Jason Scavotto, and, in the Young Birder category, a Yellow-crowned Night Heron, by Steven Jacqmin.


Migration Magic 2024: A month of birding leads to great success for Connecticut’s birds. Announcing the Birdathon winners!

June 10, 2024—With almost 900 people participating and contributing $31,691 toward bird conservation in Connecticut, Migration Magic 2024 was a rousing success. Sixty Birdathon participants saw 239 species over the course of the month. During the Big Day alone, four Connecticut Audubon staffers saw 159 species. This year’s grand prize winner is 13-year-old Pavana Attonito of Darien.


Going birding this weekend? Help protect the shorebirds by giving them plenty of room.

May 23, 2024—There’s plenty of good birding left in Connecticut during spring migration, and of course the Migration Magic Birdathon runs through May 31. If you’re planning to look for birds at the Milford Point Coastal Center over Memorial Day weekend, please time your visit to avoid the sandbar at high tide.


Lights Out Alerts 2024

April 26, 2024—Billions of birds die each year from collisions with buildings. In a country where 30% of the bird population has been lost in recent decades, it’s a serious problem. Migrating birds – confused by city lights at night – are especially vulnerable. But there are a few simple and effective things you can do to help.


Simple changes to the state’s outdoor lighting regulations will make Connecticut safer for birds

April 17, 2024—With spring migration peaking soon, efforts to reduce the number of birds that die when they crash into windows and buildings are at the forefront. Connecticut Audubon and its members are part of the solution. This week we collaborated with the Lights Out Coalition of Connecticut to propose simple changes to the state’s outdoor lighting regulations. Those changes are designed to help birds make it safely into and through the state, without crashing into buildings.


Celebrate the Magic of Bird Migration with Connecticut Audubon’s Migration Magic bird festival

April 12, 2024—Connecticut Audubon invites you to Migration Magic, a month-long celebration of the beauty and importance of birds as they arrive back in Connecticut. Share the joy of birds and raise funds for the ongoing work of bird conservation in Connecticut!


Mobile App

Explore our centers and sanctuaries on your mobile device Soar through our centers and sanctuaries with this free app, which highlights unique and interesting features at each stop. Take one of our tours while you’re onsite or plan ahead with detailed directions and maps to your nearest Connecticut Audubon location. Features include: Tours of our […]


Conference: “Neonics, The New DDT — What You Need to Know About the Pesticides Harming Connecticut’s Birds, Bees, Wildlife & People”

The Connecticut Coalition for Pesticide Reform is organizing a conference for advocates, residents, and government officials interested in reducing the use of neonicotinoid pesticides in the state.

Date and time: March 11, 2024. Noon to 5 p.m.
Place: McCook Auditorium
Trinity College, Hartford





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