Connecticut Audbon Society

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Nature Q&A 3

Q: When should I start feeding birds, and what is the best seed?

A: Recent research has shown that since birds do not use feeders as their sole means of support, it is acceptable to feed birds whenever you like and as often as you like. For instance, we used to think that it was not a good idea to feed birds throughout the summer or to stop a feeding program in winter to go on vacation. We now know that both are perfectly fine. As for the best seed: We suggest using a high-quality mix containing sunflower, white millet, safflower, and peanut hearts; you may be spending a bit more, but will be wasting far less seed than with the discount mixes. Don’t forget to hang a suet cake and provide some water as well. To purchase the best quality bird seed at great prices, contact our Center at Fairfield’s Nature Store, at 203-259-6305, ext. 109; our Birdcraft Museum in Fairfield’s Nature Store, at 203-259-0416; or our Center at Glastonbury, at 860-633-8402






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