Connecticut Audbon Society

Kevin Stuart Brodie

Kevin Stuart Brodie is a playwright, screenwriter, storyteller, essayist and poet. Three of his plays have been produced and two screenplays have been optioned by production companies. He also recently won his very first story slam. Mr. Brodie has won fifteen scriptwriting contests and festivals and been twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize in poetry.




My Trail Wood Experience

I think what I will always remember most about Trail Wood is the lovely solitude it provided. The entire time I was there, the only real human beings I interacted with were when I would treat myself to ice cream up the road at We-Lik-It. You really are alone with your thoughts, the sound of nature, and the quiet of nature. I have never had a more sustained period of focus like my time at Trail Wood. Consequently, I have never had a more productive six days.

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