Connecticut Audbon Society

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Daily Bird 2024: Worm-eating Warbler

Worm-eating Warbler, photographed by Giles Carter.

Worm-eating Warbler
Helmitheros vermivorum

Today’s Daily Bird was revised from the original, written by Chris Wood. Chris is a participant in the 2024 Migration Magic Birdathon. Thank you, Chris!

You’re likely to find Worm-eating Warblers in numerous locations during May migration, making it a good species to add to your Migration Magic Birdathon checklist.

Not part of the Migration Magic Birdathon yet? Click here to sign up!

Connecticut Audubon staffers Deb Eccleston and Stefan Martin saw them at our Birdcraft Sanctuary in Fairfield for several days in a row this month. Seven were reported from Nehantic State Forest in Lyme just yesterday and two days ago a birder reported 13 at West Rock Ridge State Park in New Haven.

Andy Griswold, our EcoTravel director, reports: “Nehantic is likely the greatest density of nesting Worm-eating Warbler in the state, the preferred habitat in this area being Mountain Laurel covered hillsides. “

When searching for Worm-eating Warbler, scan the forest understory — you may spot one picking at insects and larvae from hanging dead leaves,

Worm-eating Warbler sports a warm, brown plumage with bold black stripes on its head. As Chris Wood described it in his original Bird Finder, “Although Worm-eating Warblers bear some resemblance to the waterthrushes and to Swainson’s Warbler, they are in a separate genus, Helmitheros — in fact the sole representative of that genus. Once seen well, they are unlikely to be confused with any other expected species in Connecticut.”

Listen for its song, a rapid, insect-like trill. It might resemble that of a Chipping Sparrow or Pine Warbler, although it has a slightly faster pace and quality.

The scientific name, Helmitheros vermivorum, seems to have been created by the Department of Redundancy Department: Helmitheros means “worm hunter” and vermivorum means “worm eater” — the worm-hunting worm eater.






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