Connecticut Audbon Society

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Welcome to Bird Finder, our guide to interesting birds you might be able to find now in Connecticut!

Some of the best birders in the state generously share their expertise here. Patrick Comins, Milan Bull, and Andy Griswold from our own staff. Corrie Folsom-O’Keefe and Genevieve Nuttall from Audubon Connecticut. Greg Hanisek, Stefan Martin, Helena Ives, Chris Wood, Nick Bonomo – a great roster of contributors. Our hope is that Bird Finder will inspire you to go out and find the birds they write about!

American Oystercatcher

July 26, 2018. American Oystercatchers are finishing their breeding season now and are preparing to migrate to southern coastal areas. This is a good time of year to look for them.


Endangered Sedge Wrens are Nesting and Drawing a Crowd at our Sanctuary in Pomfret

July 19, 2018. A tiny endangered bird that rarely nests in the state has made a home this year at the Connecticut Audubon Society’s Bafflin Sanctuary in Pomfret.


Blue-winged Warbler

June 28, 2018. Blue-winged Warblers prove that you don’t have to stop looking at vibrant warblers just because spring migration is over!


Chimney Swift

June 21, 2018. To find Chimney Swifts in Connecticut this summer, look up to the sky! There is a good chance you will see them flying high in the air around densely populated areas. In the evening, you may notice large groups of these birds coming to a chimney to roost.


Boat-tailed Grackle

June 14, 2018. In Connecticut, hearing the rolling metallic song of the Boat-tailed Grackle is a welcome surprise. Unlike its very similar and more abundant cousin, the Common Grackle, the Boat-tailed prefers coastal habitats (specifically, tidal marshes) and is an extremely localized breeder, with only a handful of confirmed colonies statewide in the past decade or so.


Worm-eating Warbler

May 30, 2018. Once seen well, Worm-eating Warblers are unlikely to be confused with any other expected species in Connecticut. The trick is, of course, seeing one well. More often Worm-eating Warblers are identified by their song, although this, too, poses a field ID challenge.


Clapper Rail

May 26, 2018. Rails are an elusive group of birds. Narrow and hen-shaped, they slide through the tall grasses of coastal, brackish, and freshwater marshes foraging on plant material, invertebrates, and small fish.


Two Waterthrushes

May 1, 2018. These warblers are active, vociferous birds, habitual tail-waggers easily told from our array of other warbler species. Telling them apart is another matter.


Purple Martin

April 28, 2018. As spring unfolds, Purple Martin landlords anxiously await the arrival of their tenants. Purple Martins are beautiful, much-admired songbirds, and these popular swallows are sought after as backyard birds all across the U.S., particularly in the south and east.


Great Egret

April 12, 2018. During the last few weeks, Great Egret have been moving through the state and some have returned to hunt before the breeding season kicks in.





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