Monarch Watch
July 6, 2024
Monarch Watch is a national program that tracks the seasonal migration of Monarch butterflies. Monarchs are in decline, partially due to the loss of milkweed habitat. Last year, RTPEC successfully raised 11 caterpillars to adults. This year, we plan to continue our efforts to rear adult monarchs, which will include tagging them to track their migration. Beginning in July, Monarch caterpillars will be placed into protective pop-up habitats once they appear at the RTPEC butterfly gardens. Participants will assist with daily monitoring of the caterpillars and track chrysalis formation. Once the adults are ready to be released, participants will assist RTPEC staff with applying a sticker tag to the outer wings of each adult. This tag has a unique code printed on it that can be used to identify the butterfly as it makes its way to Mexico for the seasonal migration.