Connecticut Audbon Society

Master Naturalist Training

Tuesdays, March 24 through May 26  from 10 – 2p.m.
Have you always wanted to learn more about the natural sciences? Want to volunteer at the Center? With  44 hours of training, this may be the program for you.
The Master Naturalist program is a certificate program that increases individual skills as a novice naturalist and a way to help citizens become more involved in the Fairfield community and Connecticut Audubon Society network.   Classes are taught by professional field experts like Milan Bull, senior director of science and conservation at Connecticut Audubon Society, Hank Gruner, vice president of programs at the Connecticut Science Center in Hartford and Bill Kenny, ecologist, landscape architect and principal at William Kenny Associates.  Cost – $195 members; $250 non-members (includes membership) and 40 hours volunteer work for Center at Fairfield at the culmination of the program. Preregistration required.  Click here for the registration form.  For the complete course outline click here.






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