Connecticut Audbon Society

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Atlas Highlights from the State of the Birds News Conference

December 1, 2017
Highlights from the Connecticut State of the Birds news conference, at the headquarters of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, in Hartford

Commissioner Rob Klee of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

“Birds are the indicator species of how we are adapting or not adapting to changing climate.”

“The Atlas will be critical to local land managers. Scientific information will be driving decision-making on the local and state level.”

“It’s going to provide a scientific base to determine where our efforts will have the most value.”

Prof. Chris Elphick of the University of Connecticut’s Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

The project will cost about $750,000, some of from the federal government, some from the University of Connecticut. Counting volunteer time, the project has a value of $2 million to $3 million. More than 130 volunteers have signed up already. About 600 are needed.

“We’re getting the most conservation for the least amount of money.”

“We’re committed to getting all of the information online as soon as possible so it’s available to anyone who wants to use it.”

Randy Dettmers, senior migratory bird biologist of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

“The Atlas will help define a state’s role in preserving these species.”

“When cumulative information from all the states is combined, we learn a lot more about bird populations at a regional scale.”






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