Connecticut Audbon Society

Outreach Programs

Schedule one of our interactive programs exclusively for your group! Webinars take place via Zoom. Programs are one hour in length including Q and A. 

For information, pricing, and to schedule your program contact Heather Kordula, Education Program Manager at or call 860-598-4218


Webinar or In-Person Offerings

Birding by Ear
Learning how to bird by ear is an important tool and useful field skill for birders though it can be difficult to pick out which bird is calling and from where. Learn how to identify birds by song and call, and which resources are most useful.

Backyard Birding
In this webinar, participants will learn what birds you can expect to see in your backyard this time of year, how to make your yard a bird-friendly habitat, plus tips, tricks, and everything you need for making the most of your backyard birding!

Raptors of CT
If there is one group of birds that captivates birders and non-birders alike, it’s the raptors! These fierce-looking predators roam the skies constantly vigilant for prey. In this webinar, participants will learn which species you can expect to see in Connecticut, how to identify them as well as what makes these birds such incredible hunters.

All About Owls
One of our most unique and mysterious family of birds, owls are most active when the rest of us are settling down for the night. In this webinar, participants will learn about the owl species of Connecticut and how to identify them by sight and sound!


Family Programs

Gnomes and Fairy Houses
Looking for something magical for your garden, backyard, or indoor space? Gather your supplies and learn the basics of creating your own fairy or gnome house with accessories. Be sure to bring your imagination! Great for families. To follow along, additional materials are needed.

Building Bird Feeders
This webinar will cover everything you need to know about bird feeders, from how often you should clean them to what kind of seed different species prefer. We will also teach you how to make your own all-natural bird feeder to hang in your yard. Great for all ages! To follow along additional materials are needed.







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