Connecticut Audbon Society

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For the Birds Mini-Course Descriptions



Session 9: Spectacular Sparrows
November 2 – 16

Their field markers may not be as brightly colored as other songbird species, but nonetheless, sparrows are striking! They are also among the birds that can be challenging to identify. Learn about which species can be seen in Connecticut.

November 2 -Week 1: Though small birds, there is a lot going on in the world of sparrows. Week one will start with sparrow migration, conservation, and ID tips, and go over some rarer sparrow species recorded in Connecticut.
November 9 – Week 2: With over two dozen species recorded in Connecticut, sparrow identification is no easy task. Week 2 will begin the journey through identification as well as touch on habitat, diet, and field marks
November 16 -Week 3: Week 3 concludes with the remaining Connecticut sparrow species identification and characteristics.

Click Here to Register for Spectacular Sparrows







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