Connecticut Audbon Society

Sally Rogers

Sally Rogers is a self-taught quilter. She made her first quilt at age 16, out of scraps from clothing she had sewn for herself since the age of ten. Since then, Rogers has explored many avenues of quilting, from recycling old clothes to using fresh strips of batik. She has quilted both by hand and by machine. She has explored various aspects of surface design including batik, ice dying, Gelli mono-printing, indigo dying, photo transfer and hand embroidery.

Sally is now devoting more of her time to her art. The Trailwood residency was a wonderful boost in new directions!



My Trail Wood Experience

The gift of Trail Wood was time and space to explore. Every day I took walks to visit the beaver, who ended up with its own quilt! The first red tree of the end of summer found its way into another wall hanging. Time to sew is always at a premium in my life, but at Trail Wood, I could sew all day and well into the evening, allowing me to complete five small pieces and a quick painted impression of the surrounding forest. Calling my week at Trail Wood a “gift” is far from hyperbole. It enriched my life and moved me forward as an artist.

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