Connecticut Audbon Society

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Lights Out alerts for Saturday, Sunday and Monday

September 30, 2023 — The rain has stopped and the birds are ready to move south. Take a look at these maps for the next three nights, produced by the Colorado State University Aeroeco Lab.

They show that an estimated 930,000 birds will be migrating over and through Connecticut tonight, 1.1 million tomorrow night, and and 570,000 Monday night.

That means we’re in for three pretty good days of birding. But it also means that a lot of birds are at risk of crashing into things.

Please help protect migrating birds by turning your lights out each of the next three nights.

Approximately 1 billion birds a year are killed in North America when they crash into buildings and other objects.

It’s a huge problem. The lights lure them straight into windows and buildings. And it’s gut-wrenching to find a dead bird crumpled on the ground next to a building.

What can be done? The Lights Out Connecticut coalition would like you to turn out your house lights during the current migration season.

Losing a billion birds a year to building collisions in an era when bird populations have fallen by 30 percent, is just unacceptable.

So here’s something easy you can do to help: Turn out your lights at night, indoors and outdoors.

Sign up for Connecticut Audubon’s Lights Out alerts via text HERE.






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